Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sent to mister JERIT [son] (but excerpted copy to Jadene)

August 28 Friday 2009

Sent to Mister JERIT, mailed about Sept 10th 2009

(but excerpted copy to Jadene 9/21/09)

Truths purveyed by serious truth-seeker activist types whom I know you are aware of and have been following for some years now, are so self-evident to astute political observers such as myself and, seemingly, only a precious few others, yet the large body of both organized and disorganized denial and denialists seems so terribly overwhelming that this one little ultra-low-income intellect takes the most sensible-seeming position that: it being way so very far above my PAY GRADE as to NOT be worthy subject matter to anguish, angst, nor to overly stress about.  Not in any position to effect any influence upon this admittedly deplorable situation in the BODY POLITIC, by conscious choice, I try to stay in a simple enough state of mind wherein I am able to enjoy the simpler pleasures available to who, how, and where I spend 5-3/4 days out of every 6.


The stressfulness that could so-easily be assumed in negative reaction to those awfully negatively-toned truths that, I feel, are as much a threat to my sense of having a decent level of a reasonable peace-of-mind, as are their threats to the over-all peace and general welfare of a majority of the human populations of the Earth, or any other microbally-based life-form.

And, given that stress will sicken the human condition just as efficiently as most of the microbials associated with causing sicknesses, I therefore feel that it's a reasonably sensible and sane choice for a person in my situational realities to withdraw, recuse, and 'recluse' myself, and otherwise isolate myself and hunker down into as simple a life as I can get away with, remote from the stressful.

So: Ilive where and how I do, and obsess such seemingly mundane items as firewood-rendering and a turkey population that I once obsessed having a hand in populating my hereabouts with over the past decade

(dozen quail, 18 bluejays, 23 turkeys, five or six deer (2 bucks!) 1 rabbit. Dozen rats…)

and write my children.

Letters to [daughter] Jadene 2009 Aug-Sept.

(24 August)

As an only child, I was overly indulged in; both positively and negatively, much to my dismay.

(Not only an "ONLY," but FATHERLESS to boot.)

I remember the butt-swats, put-downs, "shoo!"s, mixed in with tickle sessions and "bouncy bouncy," and goggly-goo snuggles.  But to the untrained mind of a toddler, the browbeats--no matter how well-intended--and butt-swats created a resentment toward authority at a very early age.  Discipline was stricter, sterner in those times.  Gramma's style included THE GOODNESS of religious ideologies at her root, but also with the pre-mechanized PIONEER 'TUFF LOVE' imperative to 'git to work' and do GOOD quality work, donate some to community, be clean, presentable, and if you can't be (or don't wannabe) presentable then either go to your room, or 'go outside and play.'  Of course, I always ended up doing, going, or being something I shouldn't be, according to my ALL FEMALE gaggle of rotating caregivers/overseers (of my younger childhood).  More spankings must have sent me over that edge, that point-of-no-return, so to speak, to an almost incurable rebelliousness; a sense of which wore a frowning scowl, on and off, throughout the whole of the first half of my life; and still shows itself to this day in my daily musings and in when I speak.

The whole of this second half of my life has essentially been a struggle--and I feel a successful one for this lone individual carrying the name Adam--to see those frowns turned upside down and those scowls reversed to mirthful observance of all of the people and their processes, with pacific interest in MURPHY'S LAW (NATURE LAW, 1st & 4most) and related other so-called SYNCHRONOUS OCCURRENCE, and the rarer ZONE's arrival into the mix.

An Unsent Letter to his sister Judith and her psychologist husband Francis

(Never mailed.)

Response to Mother's Day

Mid-May 2009

Dear Francis & Judy:

I think this is an interesting subject, fun to bounce around…

One or another of our relatives dropped, that Francis had commented on an observational thought, regarding my personality, or as I like to describe it personnae…as being an extrovert.  Now, this appellation suits only that section of my many personalities, and I cannot justify any attempt to refute. Very true. Only extrovert gets out once or twice per decade.

It was that very extroverted Adam who got me into endless predicaments, too numerous to relate here.

The only solution to eliminate the stress-causing mis-fires seemed to my admittedly addled boinger (thinker/'intellect') to [be] to stop 'firing' altogether; and this I have gotten away with for a dozen years now, and counting.  These years here have been the best thing yet, in my life, as to its NO STRESS factors.  What sense-of-loneliness might be presumed is, in my case, far overbalanced by the 'rewards' of the almost wholly natural ambiance--in which I have so gleefully immersed myself.

I got a big chuckle out of the extrovert comment.  No way is this old hermit/pastoralist gonna ever lose his sense of humor and become a grumpy old codger.  It is so unbecoming.

So: I guess it's "thanks for the laff, bro."

Love and kisses to you and Jude from Adam.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Say that you built a torroidally configured, birdcage-like, copper-wire construct, that mirrored the shape and locations of the Earth's primary lines of magnetism, and oriented it to be in line with the planetary orbital plane…hung some--or a bunch of--magnets inside of it…or outside of it…then maybe wound a coil--or coils--around the outside in either a counterclockwise or clockwise direction, either south-to-north or vice versa, whichever way gives a higher resonant voltage-reading…then maybe either spun the copper apparatus--or the magnets--with a small solar-powered mini-motor--like the slow ones in the moving beer-ad displays you see in some bars…or maybe hung an array of magnets outside of the copper, torroidal, oblate spheroid-contraption…experiment with all the different possible relationships between magnets and copper…maybe even leave the insulation on the spheroidal, copper cage-wire, and wind more coils of copper wire around each separate copper wire--again either counterclockwise or clockwise, depending on which orientation delivers the higher reading (if such should prove to deliver any significant juice)…

Such an assembly might be ensconced within a wind-driven 'fan'-construct…

All I understand about electricity is that by passing copper coils past magnets, or vice versa, [this] will stimulate electrical activity in the wires.

Earth being a magnet….

Do you remember an experiment by NASA where they launched a rocket, that had a coiled antenna hanging off of it, that had somehow accidentally become unravelled and stretched out in loose coil [that was] dangling through some hundreds or thousands of meters (or feet) below the rocket, as it shot at an angle upwards
   and that dragging this wayward, lengthy coil through the Earth's magnetic field
   suddenly excited enough electrical energy in the coil to DISINTEGRATE the whole mess in an instantaneous puff of smoke?

I saw the video of this and instantly had some kind of an AHA, 2plus2, moment of clarity (?) that said: Sure, electricity was generated in that antenna-wire, from being whooshed through the magnetic field of Earth, and 'generated' some awesome, huge amount of electricity, to blow the whole mess into smithereens…

All really a pretty vague sensation, of a momentary glimmer, of a EUREKA moment.