Saturday, February 27, 2016


An introduction to this piece seems to demand a bit of descriptives about who are the participants in the attached exerpt from a manuscript of mine currently titled Guilty Pleasures

 Star, otherwise referred to as the starbaby, miss nitro, and Sis by her aunt Sis
          5'6” brown-eyed brown haired sprite, sometimes spoken word rock star poet, descended
          from fisher folk, and Stan's sometimes 'girlfriend'/ old lady, and whose aunt Lise is also
          referred to in this exerpt as Sis--and my ode to a beloved Starr Young.
 Stan,   otherwise referred to as Threefinger, 'finger, & Salvagemeister extroardinaire
          is a red haired, orange bearded rather large and powerful fellow and is fixing up an old
          boat not unlike Sam Anderson's Governor—Threefinger isn't nicknamed for the reason you might
          suspect: it's for his habitual response to the bartender's “What'll you have, sailor?”
          and yes: modeled upon my experiences of him and that beamy old 50 x 16 foot yacht
 Reddy, otherwise referred to as Seadawg, dawg, Frogdog, Red, and is Hardway's uncle.

                                 (I'm Hardway and I am telling like I saw it.)

 Lise, otherwise referred to as Statuewoman or Statue, The Rock, Bearwoman, and Sis.
                  5'11” 190 pound hardbody only found in true fulltime fishing men and women, jailbirds, and speed freaks who pump iron, amongt other things. Lise has fished her boat for two decades, the Lizzy. Her father and brothers had helped her get it built but were later lost at sea. Lise happens to closely approximate Reddy's statue fantasy, (the song I wrote about it is the impetus from which the attempt to write this book stemmed. Reddy and Lise had found each other already many chapters back as this chapter begins. At one point in this effort, I had the song's lyrics/ poem as page number one...and then as a an epilogue (at the end)--and then: I deleted it!

             Me? I'm watching all of Stan's boatyard-junk-on-a-stick, keeping the many leakers bailed out while my 
             budds is making a killing. But they cut me in later and I end up getting some, too, in chapter 39.

 Ricky is Rick Cogswell. (I often think I ought to change it to Reeky . . .)

                                                       And so?    Let's get on with this exerpt's type up.

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