Saturday, February 27, 2016

June 3 2009

Wednesday evening: (3rd Jun) :   As it did the night before, and with even a higher degree of intensity, the air became electrified as dusk got going, and the sparks of lightning started shooting back and forth across the canyons in the sky—2 miles up—dragging their ten-second-delay thundering rocketing along in the flash's wake. No cloudbusting giants here, like you guys had down&over there th'other day; light intermittent rain is all I'm getting over here. And whereas your lightenings were hitting the earth, these here are shooting back and forth across the low-cloud-filled sky. Very few audacious “boom”s like in Medford, but rocketing “whoosh!”s rapidly traveling across the sky trailing exactly the path of the lightning spark's arc that my eyes had followed, in its rapid swish across the sky—reminding me of when the us air force jet pilot training exercises visit my otherwise peaceful valley and surrounding hills with their violent after-burner roarings swishing through the sky and reverberating through the canyons as they perform their maneuvers.
     As an idle intellectual exercise, I ponder whether I can 'find' any correlation to this weather-pattern and the various theories I've heard postulated by conspiracy crowd about the different ways in which this entity or that are trying to maintain some sort of an illusion they obsess about how to keep the people under control, or not. Does the barium-oxide/ fluoride powder allow HAARP, then, to spray ions and or energy waves through just about any old portion of the atmosphere above our continent (and maybe beyond?) in any desired direction and or three-dimensional configuration? ? ? Are/ is someone waging some kind of 'war' upon something? or someone—including us, you and me—akin to 'weather warfare'?? Where was it that I heard someone say that “IT” is their strategy for forcing us to accept their carbon tax proposals that will squeeze more 'resources' out of our already pretty impoverished selves' souls and spirits? . . . ? I'm just a dumb fuck who can never stop these assholes from doing just whatever it is, (in its sinistermost designs, I suppose,) they 'feel' like doing to us. This therefore brings me right back to square one where I am driven to say: “Well: Fuck it, then!” and walk away from it; desist with any supportive contribution to the furtherance of such crime. Ha! Easier said-than-done, you say? Yes, but do-able. By hook or crook, by guess and by golly, and fair amounts of dumb and not-so-dumb luck—the not-so being the way such a concept as the word synchronicity conjures up, that I suspect can be 'engineered' into one's favorable advantage. How is this accomplished, you ask? My answer: By living right. Short and sweet—even when I, personally, don't mind sour. Truly good living—by my calculation, which is never perfect, 'right' living, includes many attitudes and 'trajectories' not often on the beaten path or track. Motivations behind behaviors, activities-instigated, or not; a certain, but indefinable, way of operating one's (my) life that approximates the unknowable trajectories of synchronicity with such, possibly?, sensitive activity or awareness, or mindset, or pattern-of-thought, or sympathetic-resonance . . . ?? to where the occurrences—the profundity that is the (seeming) magic of synchronistic occurrence, when it arrives into that and or those very special moments when the flash streaks across the inner sky of my consciousness and says: Yeah, that's it! IT being my conception of what is the stuff of synchronicity and what, in my being, allows for extra portions of what I would like to call synchronous events jumping on my pathetic little bandwagon ? Many many times; too many to focus on any one in particular. How best to try to describe what my concept (s) behind my use of the word: 'right', as in right-living? It has a lot to do with how I perceive and interact with some probably pretty subtle shades of naturally-inclined nuance that propagate an energy into the (fig.) vacuum that mirrors, in some way?, the 'flow' of the streams of synchronicity?, obviously just there?, waiting for the opportunity to come into the 'right' focus for our two streams to touch for a second or a moment or even a few-to-way-more moments of momentous ecstatic involvement with its perfection: never very durable and to be treasured while in the midst and not too sorely missed after it has gone; kept warmed inside by the glow of its memory and the friendlier situation that you (me) found yourself newly- appointed into and more-appropriately set up-to-thrive in/ at as a result of this or that profound synchronous weave-of-events/ happenings/ thought-eruptions, and so forth. I'm not even trying to say anything very exhortative or anything anyone else must think or say or do, I am just all jacked up by lightening shooting every which way right over my very head!
                                                                                                                                                         P.S: It passed.

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