Sunday, February 28, 2016

Nov 19 2008


11-18-08  A waking dream, remembered                             DREAM JOURNAL
     Begins in the early hours of a lightening sky. I am in a darkish house that seems a combination of my place and yours. The people populating this scene resemble Francine, Bri, and yourself. Before the main events of this, I had run out toward the barn in response to the sound of a large machine coming up the road to here, and as I came near to the barn, one of those very large yarder machines on a truck—with its long overhanging boom pointing toward me, then swinging around to point toward going behind the barn on its southern side.
     This imagery merges to where I am now begging my leave of the home front and find myself driving down a one lane two-rutt dirt road with vegetation growing up in the middle when I see a mountain lion  up the road a bit. As I want teeth and claws, plus wanting revenge for it or its siblings having killed and eaten all but one of my dozen hens with chicks, I speed up and aim vehicle at said lion, hitting it dead center, which bounces the vehicle up and I come to a stop.
     Of a sudden, the cat has gone bouncing toward a small darkish country cabin's doorway and grown small as a kitten as I reach to grab its still quivvering body. As I picked it up, it was still not dead yet. The surrounding scene merges to where I am inside the cabin there, which has a picture window, a cement floor with a rug partially covering the floor. As I throw the animal's body, head first, onto the hard floor to kill it, the cat has turned into a small infant human child, and it bounces many times on its smooshed pulpy bloody head, leaving a bloody splotch with every ping-pong-like bounce, and finally dead.
     Now, I am feeling guilty and trying to mop up the bloody splotches off the floor and rug, hoping that I can conceal my crime before someone comes . . . as I awaken . . .

     I know that I had such a remarkable dream because, though I was naked under too many covers, the wood stove was putting out too much heat. Usually, I only use two thinninsh blankets when the stove is going, but this morning, I had the heavier blanket over the two thin ones, which made my body heat rise, which is why I have dreams at al—mostly. If I do not want to dream, all I have to do is keep bedside window open and only two thin blankets on at this time of year when it still isn't under forty degrees outside. But sometimes I forget to set this up and the end result is always more dreams, and laced with more scary occurrences than when I am sleeping in a cooler, lighter blanket situation. I will always have dreams if I go to bed and fall asleep with any clothing on.
     I think I have already told you of dreams that I had wherein I was 1)swimming the length of Richardson Bay (Sausalito) on opening day of yachting season; 2) swimming around houseboat communities off Waldo; and 3) now will relate of the many dreams wherein I return to Sausalito after years in Oregon and find the tugboat abandoned in shallow water and get it floating and am trying to get it running again as I wake up. I used to have other dreams wherein I was on the ranch, but it was still populated with gigantic monster old trees, and I was in a firewood-render's dream to have such a wealth of resources at hand . . . Very very rarely will I have those dreams wherein some sexy female seems to be ripe for my coming on to her, but very rarely end up in bed with her before I wake up. Haven't had one of those for some few years now . . .
                                                                                        That is all for now frum yo' Dad
Am I correct in assuming that the #28 ink cartridge in the printer is just to give it some indication that there is an ink cartridge in the color slot, but that it need not be refilled, but only the #27 cartridge for black 'n white needs refilling or replacement when I run out, which I have? You had left me an extra #27, which, upon putting it in, gave me printer capability again....
     I keep having images of you coming home and driving down that first steep-ass entry there with chains on your front tires, but none on the rear and your vehicle's rear end slides sideways and over the bank on your right and flipping the vehicle . . . am I nuts or is this a definite possibility? I know that two sets of chains may seem a ridiculous extra add-on, but this seems the only way to absolutely (?) guarantee neither of your vehicle's wheels/tires sliding—although, in snow, even with chains on, vehicles will slide . . . Just another one of many fatherisms of worry wort-ness, for which I apologize.

                  Take care . . . real good care, my friend.

     I will be mailing TWO of the earlier-mentioned-in-a-previous-letter's items so that you will not have to chose between Bri and Fran as to who gets it for Xmas. It will be your choice as who you let chose first which one they would like to have . . .

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