Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oct 6 2008

                                                                                                October seventh 2008 
Dear Jerit:

     Only because I know you have an interest in the following attempt by me to describe subject matter that interests you have I tried to get this typed in spite of an uncoooperative computer's uncooperativity
I give up on this idiocy! I was going to copy a few paragraphs of description of what will have to suffice for my minimal body of visual recognitions of chem trails ' virgin sighting, as it were, but now my idiot computer has taken over my control from me as to how I would prefer the screen to appear as I type, and I am helpless—clueless might be a better description of my mental state's inability to fathom what my computer has begun doing—most likely due to various inadvertent blunderings of mister fingerz-all-thumz here. (copying from diary entry dated Monday Oct fifth)
     “We—us: you and I—mustn't worry, overly,  or get too pissed at the chemtrails, because of more other, possibly pertinent to more immediate needs or wants stuff such as the basics-of-survival type endeavors of rendering a stable security-of-preparedness and perseverence upon the continuum of rendering same. Food, clothing, and shelter (and wood heat). That being stated: One 'o them there chemtrail things was spread in a slow-mo dump right before my own very eyes' instant recognition of what I was witnessing. The six mile length of my Dement Creek Road drive home from the semi-weekly townrun for more buying of stuffs that I can't quite seem to be able to (completely) remove from that listof perrenial shopping items...this sixmile stretch of gravel road heads in a general southwestern direction as it crawls up our gently-inclined valley floor. So: Out of the whole right side of my forward-facing while driving truck view, the whole western side of the sky filled this view from the front seat (driver's side) view of mine that mid-to-late afternoon's drive home. The sun was nearing the western hills' average nine hundred-to-eleven hundred feet elevation which comprised the lower portion of my view corridor. It may have been as much as twenty degrees or more above that horizon of western hills, but was low enough to almost qualify for it being late afternoon. The color of the sky on both sides of the sun was a pure clear blue: above and below.
     as I came round the last bend in Dement Creek road, at milepost number three, to expose a view of my/our upper and seperate section of valley floor, was unveiling itself before my eye and thinking brain,my first clear and obvious view of a chem dump occurance being perpetrated as a-white line being drawn, from south-to-north, at near to or about over the Port Orford-to-Bandon section of US highway number 101 (coastal) north. (approximately nine miles to the west of where I was driving) at approximately two-to-three miles (15,00-20,000feet?)above the land.
     Clear as a day, scribing an expanding white plume-of the-dump across the 120 degrees or so of my primary western sky view above our steep hills' horizon as I drive along at ten or fifteen miles an hour due to exceedingly poor roadbed conditions due to heavy log trucks 80,000 pounds full of logs chewing up the road bed to where I am forced to drive very slowly and carefully as to not beat up my already pretty beat up truck too much more if at all possible, I slow for washboards in the roadbed to under five mph... So: In the time of about five minutes from first sighting the trail being laid, to milepost five, the line had been drawn through the length of the sky I could see maybe a twenty or thirty mile stretch, which, from my vantage point, was drawn above where the sun was, so I had the best possible back-lighting for clarity of vision. The southern end of this, now obvious-to-me, chemtrail dump? has begun to fall; thinning into an ghost-like off-white mist  to start diminishing the blue sky color backlighting it as the well-lighted veil-like plume drifted earthward; with its northern end  a bit behind in its similar dissolution toward earth.
     I was perturbed, then angered as I observed the blue sky color start to modulate toward a light brownish tinge that had already begun to creep over the far hills to my west of me as I arrived home with the day's worth of townrun goodies. “The bastards!' I thought to myself as I parked the truck , off-loaded and parked the goodies in their respective cubbyholes.  As I reclined in my bunk ,, I wondered to myself: Will I feel any different? Will it hurt? Will it kill me? “Those mean mean people, whoever THEY are' scrambles its way free from the innards of my thinker to this outer place here, where thought, connected with observed fact, has me typing away here, all excitedly, about my first sighting of a definite chemtrail dump being spewed over my (nearby) neck of the woods and meadows.
     And then the question arises in my oft-illogical thinker: What toxin or waste, probably from chemical manufacturers, costs too much to dispose of in the legal ways? I should think that there are LAWS forbidding this.  Are these intentional population-control measures being undertaken by facists? Or is this just some dumb-ass overly-greedy bastards sneaking less-costly aerial dumping to escape having to admit to their stupidities in having engaged in a chemically-dependent business, trying to save a buck? Ignorant of the devastation they are wreacking? Oor worse: premeditated in spite of knowing they are fucking us and our earth over with, but just do not care? Because they are lost to the 'business' ethos of short-term and bottom-line handicaps?Handicapping their reasoning power's abilities to fathom the more serious business of LONGTERM envisionings and undertaking proper preparations and insurances toward that continuing attempt to guarantee our (and earth's) ecosystems' continuing survival in a continuum of bearable climactic conditions for all of life and not just our puny miniscule bottom-lines!!!


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