Saturday, February 27, 2016

March 10 2009 Letter to Son Jerit

 in this short escape to loftier (?) realms in this recent letter-to-Jerit    Full moon, Vernal equinox 2009
     Having had a ½ a year to digest subject matter you wrote me in a letter last year, I now have a smidgen of response to your stated:     “doubt about the earth's interior being molten.”  A stunning provocative statement; insinuating potentially profound implications, either way. And what would this portend? More intuitive than scientific, I conceive of an active interior, swirling at the behest of unknowable forces-from-without. Beneath the mantle of cooled (solidi-fied) earth must lie (?) this motive force that creates the conditions of our beings being here at all; in the first place. Does this mean that we all should worship this force instead of other choices? Sort of, maybe: In part, I guess. Astronomical observations of planetary & hot star activities seem to suggest earth evolved from out of a fireball  Though we might just as well could have stumbled in here, stone cold and gotten snagged somehow, & forced to hang around ever since? Is that It? Well then: Explain magma. Is it just stray manifestations of etheric energy's at times uncontrollable resistance wherein all hell breaks loose for a spell?    Here & there, in reaction to incoming pressures, areas of rock near the surface melt & get ejected? Un huh. Tell me more. Is it the hollow earth toward which you yearn to lean? If, indeed, our scientific community has gone awfully whacked: I'd like to hear about it. I would.  ¶  Me? Mostly, I am still lost in trying to resolve my grasp upon a clearer vision of the multi-plethora of electromagnetic & chemical-relationships' forces, vibrations, centrifical & centrifugal velocities & momentums involved in the maintaining of this massive gigantic conglomeration we live within & 'because' of. And because of which, I am stuck with this so-called think-ing brain thingy that keeps urging me to have to wonder about such impossibly remote ideas? What causes attraction? & repulsion? Further ponderings of Slim Spurling's experiments with dowsing have added to the mix sloshing about in my innards somewhere. Concurrently, on the other end of intellectual discussions going on with myself somewhere deep within this thing they call brain, I am continually trying to improve my understanding of the operational nature of the awesome intricate minute frenzied activities occurring way way down deep in the very bowels of the tiniest of nano particles that orchestrate everything, including this ultra-complex thing/ being that is called me—I am. And seeking the sense-of a sense in it--if there is any--& a sense to the MACRO-MICRO consortium that controls how my brain & body functions. (And how maybe an understanding of this might lead to free-energy apparatus-assemblage possibilities?)     ¶     Is it all random? Certainly. But the whole of its so-called apparent randomness still seems to achieve an overall stasis or equilibrium of sorts. And it's the source of that stabilizing equalizer that (I think) keeps trying to build visionary contraptions in my mind, in its feeble attempt to capture this essence's secrets & maybe become enabled to give myself some sort of a leg up, or something. This intrigue, this fascinating mystery has captured my 'fancy' to where I fall asleep most nights mentally-juggling all the question marks, seeking the “A ha!” moment-of-enlightenment; all the while, maintaining a realistic skepticism that I will probably never hit this intellectual jackpot.   ¶  Could it be?, as your comment seemed to suggest: That earth is cold to the core? Solid?, hollow?; NOT the plate-tectonics theorists' version doing the upthrusting & subsiding, but a cold earth's shrinking? Whaddaya know about this that you don't (or didn't) think I know or understand? The GYRO GEARLOOSE 'mad' scientist aspect of my brain matter is asking itself to please send emissaries to the source of where my 'subconscious' has withheld this information from this other me who keeps feeling this compelling curiosity appealing to the parts of my thinker in here that are hidden from this other portion of my mind that has any consciousness of itself, and ask it, or him or her—them--ask for some more spirit-food for mister Adam, over there, to maybe ease some of his stress over not-knowing all about this stuff that we're not supposed to tell him about because it might blow his mind, or something. (What's with this we business?) So, we better not. To protect the poor boy; for his own good. But DAMN! he just keeps on trying to overrule us. We're gonna be in trouble if we lose another one. You remember what happened last time, don't you?
                         You don't?
                          Well . . .ahhh:                  Stupid is as stoopid does, I guess.                       
                                       HAPPY EQUINOCTAL!! Whoop whoop whoopee!

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