Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sep 11 2008

  1. 09-11-08  -  (08.09.11.odt)  Sun blocker contains ingredients that cause skin cancer. Chlorine in urban water systems is poisonous to one's skin. Dumping the ingredients in shampoos and so-named skin and hair conditioners on one's head every time someone showers, is also assaulting the integrity of human skin's immunological response mechanisms. Most commercially-manufactured soaps also contain stuff that is not skin-friendly. And aside from all the nuclear-materials radiation released during the atmospheric-testing phase of nuclear-fission bombs in the nineteen fifties, do you think that another contributing factor in the large increases of breast cancer in women may also be the use of sweat-blocking anti-perspirants? I mean that these non-human-friendly substances are being slobbed on right about at on top off the sides of womens' breasts. (Pharmaceutical) drug deficiencies are not contributing factors to the causes nor onset of dis-eases. It is the condition of the terrain of one's body/mind that determines the quality one's health. Keep it in good (meaning: more naturally-oriented) shape is one's best form of health insurance, and there are no costly premiums to pay; only the expenditures to glean, harvest, and buy the right stuff to be feeding your temple-of-a-body with. Most all pharmaceutically-derived substances contain ingredients that work counter to their claims. Example: Viagra and its ilk, advertised as being for erectal dysfunction, can actually cause E.D; and if used long enough, will render the erectal muscles and blood vessels no longer capable of providing their critical support to this human-animal function in the male. Birth-control pills do all sorts of ancillary damage to many functions in the female body. Example: The pill purported to be a preventitive in pre-teen girls for them developing uterine and vaginal cancers, is actually a causitive. Think I am crazy? Research the literature. The radical lengthening of the list of enforced vaccinations to infants and toddlers, is a prime cause of such conditions in children as ADD, ADHD, anxiety attacks, rebelliousness, and autism; whose rise in the rate-of-incidence in children directly mirrors the rate of increase in the number-of-vaccinations required by the state.  Parents can bar these vaccinations by claiming a religious exemption, which must be granted, in spite of huge pressures exerted upon parents to buckle under. The use of X-ray radiation to treat cancer actually causes more of it. Its temporary alleviation of the progression of the dis-ease is only that, but the further damages to the immune system's strength just about always has its way. Except for those gifted folk, who more-thoroughly understand what-all lies at the deeper roots of why cancer gets a foothold in the human body, and deviate from all the hype and hoopla and turn to nature for their succor. And even then, there are no guarantees. The airborne particulate matter and noxious gases percolating our atmosphere, combined with the plethora of same at and below the earth's surface have much to do with why there is 300 times the cancer today than one-hundred years ago . . . Do you think that the incremental increase in the incidences of asthma in children (and adults) has anything to do with heightened levels of pollutants in our intimate enviroments, including air, water, and all the chemicals used by the many? In my mind, I can ignore these facts, but I know that my body has a more difficult time of it: Ignoring the criminal dispersions of all the toxics emitted by mankind in the past few centuries; on top of all that was spewed out all over the territories of earlier 'civilizations.' Perchlorate, phylates, plastics' residues in so much of our food, waters, and air. The huge body of pesticides and herbicides being used to grow food. And now, in the last decade or so: Twenty-thousand tons of so-called 'depleted' uranium that has been layered by war-machine projectiles, primarily in the middle east, but in Afghanistan and now Pakistan as well; and this stuff gets picked up into the atmosphere and dispersed worldwide over time . . .  So far, I haven't mentioned the sorry state of the worldwide political climate and of how this is a major contributor to the poorer health of the many; and of how the systems of money are also major contributing factors to these deteriorated conditions effecting all humanity, by their depressing effects upon the general populations' mental, spiritual, emotional, sociological, and therefore: Physical health as well. Kind of depressing, if I think about this and these facts too much, is it not?

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