Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sep 14 2008

08.09.14.odt (Sept.14, 2008)  The overall outstanding size of the illegitimate scope of astoundingly-gigantic proportions of the definitely-concerted enterprises attempting to foist such discouraging mayhem of poisonous polluting practices, rape, pillage, and plundering upon us of the lesser classes has me, essentially, withdrawing myself from as much of it as I can figure the ways that are possible. I can't help it: This is an instinctual reaction from far down in the gut of my spirit and soul's hard longings for a state-of-grace which never comes; and to all intents and purposes seems like it's never gonna come, either. The powers-that-be are too strongly equipped to quell any but the most swarming of populations in revolt;nd, due to the generally-successful efforts of those hated powers-that-be types' mass-re-education programs of the past seventy years, or thereabouts. The history of the schooling of the (underclass) masses was a fairly simple, good-hearted, and straightforward exercise during the eighteen-hundreds. But somewhere around the early years of the nineteen-hundreds, as the cologies got under way in their development and evolutions of speculative thought about the human brain's psychologi-cal development, the more greedy types began to figure and (thought they understood) understand the protocols-to-mind-control, then commenced their assault to control the thinkings of the minds of the masses, circa 1930's. And, to a degree, messed up their own children's, too. As I read this history in my mind's eye, I see this process as having been pretty well accomplished by end of the nineteen-fifties; and ever-more-thoroughly accomplished by the next generation's rise to adulthood. And now, here, in the second millenium, it is these third-generation dumb-downers who have taken over control of all of what we see, think, believe, think we understand and know, feel, and do, for the most part for the many of the multitudes of the 'general' population. Some nearly unfathomable part of my lower order thinker has almost always refused to become a supportive participant in this theft of all that I think and believe ought to be an integrated part of my birthright: That seeming so elusive sense of being in the ambient state-of-grace that surely exists in nature, but we humans have been wantonly laying to waste for a goodly portion of our time on the earth. I should qualify the previous statement by the limiting of these inhumane non-nature-friendly practices to the tribes who grew to overpopu-late their territories and have continued their ruthless expansionary behaviors ever since probably before the dawn of what little remains of humanity and its civilizations' recorded histories. Indigenous tribes, still living in and with nature and their natural world have never laid waste to their birthrights. Not stupid dumb savages, NO, they are more sensible than we are, in that they know better than to ruin what they have with abusive practices. God, I can work myself into upset mode pretty quickly when I remember all that I wish I could forget about how my white man ancestors and now their descendants with whom I have to try to share this planet with just murdered, burnt, raped, plundered, and so forth, their way across the earth for the past three or half-dozen millenia.  *  *  Taming fire, then learning to make metals, and then gunpowder, then coal and steam engines, then electricity, gasoline and diesel engines, and then the multi-channeled mind-control apparrati now so thoroughly set in place to distract the normal real genuine folksy folks from the realizations of their true status of an abject denial-of-birthright and pretty darn near total enslavement to any number of easily-offered choices of what you chose to answer when the fool on the hill asks you to: Name yer poison, pardner. And now: It is the airial dumpers who have joined the food-producers to combine their soil-polluting practices with atmospheric-dumping of obviously-toxic materials/chemicals, etc. (Flouride wastes from production of aluminum? In collusion with corrupt U.S.Dept. of Envir. Qual.'s Bush appointees? Some pop.-contr. scheme, no doubt. One designed to further weaken the spirit of the people's (potential) resolve to stay normal in a world driven by more common sense than I spy as being today's poor substitutes for what I perceive as being 'sensible.' Huh? Wha' hoppn? I know that to type this all down has been a complete wastage of valuable time, but feel relieved for having taken the dump.          “scuse me while I kiss the sky!”         signed:       Father & Mother Time

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