Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dec 14 2008 (Partial form of complete following post)

Dec 13, 08   (08.12.13.odt)
     The difference between a person (feeling that he or she is) having a life whose overall theme seems a  pleasant one and one that seems unpleasant lies in one's accumulated body of images, sensations, and emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical experiences. Broken homes appear to yield a larger percentage of broken-spirited people than do together homes; although I am aware of hundreds of images of together homes people heading into negative-resulting territories, and their offspring being dragged along with them to a life which any sane and decent intellect could perceive as not going in the best of directions. By best, I mean a lifestyle and life-attitude that seeks, as a consciously-pursued philosophy, friendlier outcomes for all involved. And exceptions to the rule from out of often-times sorely-broken homes.  ¶   This basket-case-itis business, now permeating the majority, comes about from mostly negatively-charged emotional states-of-being; created in day by day, hour-by-hour exposures to misbehaviors among themselves, parents, relatives, schoolmates, and or peers. By misbehaviors, I mean: Activities that do not result in 'friendly' responses. I should add human-friendly here, and humane to this exercise in fathoming the depths of my possible insight or presumptions-of-'enlightenment'. And I might as well add the mention of grace, as an exemplary state-of-being, thinking, feeling, and believing mirroring natural processes; plus that one ought not to discount the values observed in the philosophical approach of native indigenous peoples of the past who 'respected' their domain with a reverence comparable to how I perceive this grace business to be, as an ambient state that exists in nature and sure feels like it swells my 'heart' with that pleasantness I wrote of earlier, which I should think is far more desirable than the alternative—wouldn't you agree?  ¶  While living remote, alone, frugally, and simply in my rural ambient reverie, I often try to ignore what I sense to be the ever-sorrier states-of-being, thinking, and acting as portrayed by our media into almost every home in the land. Radio fills me in and keeps me abreast. I do not subscribe to any published product, except the yearly catalog from my favorite herb-seed source. Next-to-no teevee, internet, phone, wash machine, hot runny water, no know the routine; some latent Thoreau-like replay of his odyssey fantasy. As hard as I try to ignore those aforementioned ever-sorrier states; as hard as I try to avoid overly-dwelling upon such states-of-negativism as they represent, they haunt me and taunt my awake time on a regular basis, nonetheless.  ¶  Far more desirable to and for my way of operations, would be for me to be applying what intelligence and common sense that I actually may have left, into the more positively-oriented of progressive, constructive, spirit-food-acquisition type thinkings and actings.
     So?:Why do I bemoan, badmouth, bitch, and feel complaint so much? I've often pondered this (seeming) inability-to-ignore that festers within my thinker's trillions-of-teenybits. Lately, I seem to have settled the matter—partially, anyway—by the 'answer' that I currently am 'telling' myself: That, as I am a sensitive of one sort or another, I am experiencing, on a very 'deep' sensual level, the cumulative hurt, pain, and sufferings of all of our billions of us humans. Recognizing this 'collective', primarily extra-sensory feeling, eases the sense of painful sympathetic resonance within whatever frequency or wavelength these thoughts propagate themselves my way—and now, your way, as well.
     It's a grieving sorrow for all of us to have to bear up under and still work toward betterment in whatever way each of us, as individuals, find most comfortable, compatible--and pleasurable, if at all possible. Agree? Okay then. Now that we've got THAT straight: What else's important?

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