Sunday, February 28, 2016

June 13 2008


   I watch, listen, and hear what I understand to be, in its essence, a repeat of the financial/economic rise and then fall of the decade of the nineteen twenties. Many emotions well up within my personnae in response; most of them rather more negative than my always-preferred positives. This inclines me into a wished-for denial state wherein I might ignore such heartfelt sympathy for those billions of earthlings who have yet to figure out and understand how poorly they are being regarded and respected as the manipulator class continues upon its not-so-merry way to exploit and exploit. It's not only just the human population that is being shat upon. All earth and sea life is under a nasty and, I think maybe, a truly severe threat; from all manner of human-concocted stuff's runoffs and atmospheric 'dumping.' Mix in the escaping radioactive particles from this and that sort of 'leakage,' in addition to the 'depleted' uranium-laced munitions the US gov't has been exploding all over the place (earth: all of its territories.)
  But in this typing exercise, I mostly want to remain focused upon the blatant thievery I see the 'establishment' power elite currently pulling off. I want to point out how literally tens of millions of my peers are being fleeced; and fleeced so big time that I am aghast that there isn't any rioting going on over all this rape and plundering and pillaging being perpetrated upon all uss basically helpless fools. I almost wonder why it is that people are not getting as upset as I should think they would be, but my wonder is tempered by understandings I hold with respect to how the system of public schooling has deliberately withheld many critical-thinking skills from the majority of the general population. Withheld information vital to making serious and sound judgements and decision-making. Not only withheld it from the schools' curriculum but also from being disseminated in the god-of-media: The tube.
   And to further worsen matters to do with losses of common sense, the schools no longer emphasize acquiring agricultural and agrarian 'horse sense' wisdoms to their charges, rendering them—the many—unable to get started and become successful providers, outside of a money-based economy.
   Jeez! I foresee a pretty nasty bunch of years coming from here on for a spell that might even rival (or surpass!) what the history books and pundits call “The Great (?) Depression” of the nineteen-thirties. All the parts of the scenario are certainly well in place, and the fat cats and big boys are grabbing big time while they can get away with it; which seems to be just forever and ever far too long, now, anymore. “Enough already” cries the spirit of my heart and soul; but of course, nowadays: Spirit, heart, and soul do not seem to have much influence upon those currently in control of running their version of worldwide 'operations.'

   Sad though this state of affairs really truly is, I, personally, feel that I must persevere in the gatherings of my own personal happinesses in spite of all what is going on outside of my tiny whirl in that outer world out there beyond my simple life's general daily experience; and try to endure the ragged sadnesses that rip and rend human societies worldwide with some sense of dignity and grace.

1 comment:

  1. It says the writings of Adam Foreman but is it your writing in the articles what the hell
